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Welcome to this course on Current Issues in Health Policy!

Buzzwords such as 'Big data', 'Digitization' and 'HealthTech' have become landmarks of our time, so that today we already see big markets evolving, offering a sheer exploding number of new information and communication technologies, sensors and devices. Also, from a policy makers’ standpoint, the necessity for the targeted utilization of innovative technology in healthcare has arisen, for which the European Commission has formulated an action plan to bring eHealth up to speed within the EU, and to shape a fertile regulatory environment.

What remains, however, is the question how big data, digitization and HealthTech may improve our lives, assist our society and strengthen our health systems? In other words, how can eHealth lead to better health for all of us?

Your goal for this course is to act as the coordinator of a European project initiative aimed at tackling some of the aspects outlined by the above described problem space. That is, you’ll be asked to develop, write and present a research proposal which clearly highlights how you, in synergy with partners, plan to use technology to help advance some of Europe’s health system challenges.

Sounds interesting, right? We'll talk about the rest in class. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Martina, Nils & Stephan


grey learninggoals     Learning objectives

After the completion of this course you should:

  • Understand health related challenges the EU is currently trying to solve
  • Know how technological advancements may help tackle these challenges
  • Understand the purpose and instruments of EU funding
  • Know how to conceptualize, plan, budget, write, and evaluate an EU research proposal


    Study plan

Week/ Date

Topic / Study task



Introduction to the Case Completion

Understand the purpose and relevance of the case competition


Introduction to EU funding and main principles of grant proposals Understanding the purpose and instruments of EU funding


Discussion of possible project ideas Idea generation and brainstorming techniques


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Writing a Proposal I Style and structure of proposals 


Writting a Proposal II Style and structure of proposals


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Group coaching Discussion of project ideas in group slots


Proposal presentation Presentation of proposal in front of MCI Faculty Jury


grey assessment     Assessment

The following provides an overview of the assessment items and due dates in this course.

  • Your Proposal Presentation - judged by MCI Faculty Jury (30%)
  • Your Written Proposal - judged by external experts (70%)


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