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To operate the combo box, first press Alt+Down Arrow to open it, and then use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the options.
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Assignment Title Status Open Date Due Date Last Modified Modified Date Time spent / Estimated
Assignment 1: Morsen Not Started 07.10.2019, 07:10 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:13 -
Assignment 2: Binäre Uhr Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:13 -
Assignment 3: Scoreboard Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:14 -
Assignment 4: Knight Rider Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:14 -
Assignment 5: Dimmer Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:14 -
Assignment 6: Dimmer mit Potentiometer Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:14 -
Assignment 7: Ampel Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:14 -
Assignment 8: Display Not Started 07.10.2019, 06:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:15 -
Abgabe Projekt Not Started 24.01.2020, 09:45 31.01.2021, 23:55 12.02.2020, 10:15 -