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Development of a Control Concept for Increasing Efficiency and Optimizing Energy Consumption Through Behavioral Pattern Recognition Using Machine Learning in Residential Buildings
Development of a Control Concept for Increasing Efficiency and Optimizing Energy Consumption Through Behavioral Pattern Recognition Using Machine Learning in Residential Buildings
Fritzsche Alexander, MSc (MCI)
Radar tracking of synthetic particles in snow avalanches
Radar tracking of synthetic particles in snow avalanches
Haberstroh Nico, MSc (MCI)
Development of a methodical approach based on value stream design to identify automation potential and subsequent implementation of a functional prototype
Development of a methodical approach based on value stream design to identify automation potential and subsequent implementation of a functional prototype
Kaserer Simon, MSc (MCI)
Software engineering methods and algorithms for a CAN Bus based battery management system with data recording funtionality used for AI training
Software engineering methods and algorithms for a CAN Bus based battery management system with data recording funtionality used for AI training
Santeler Rene, MSc (MCI)
Validierung numerischer Modelle in der Strukturdynamik
Validierung numerischer Modelle in der Strukturdynamik
Schweiger Markus, MSc (MCI)
Power Distribution System for Robotics Applications
Power Distribution System for Robotics Applications
Temsamani Phillip, MSc (MCI)