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Deepening knowledge


In this chapter, we address one of these important skills: the effective use of ChatGPT and similar AI-powered tools. This technology opens up a wide range of opportunities for students to optimize their learning and explore innovative ways to gather information and solve problems.

Much of the information here draws on the white paper "Unlocking the Power of Generative AI Models and Systems such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT for Higher Education A Guide for Students and Lecturers" by Gimpel et al. (2023)

ChatGPT as learning tool

Correct prompting is advantageous for the proper use of ChatGPT. A prompt is interpreted as the input of text that is translated by a machine, such as a computer or artificial intelligence (AI), and as a result, text is generated or commands are carried out. A solid prompt's wording is always important.

blue connections How to write a good prompt

The following criteria can be helpful for good prompting in terms of getting relevant information by ChatGPT.

Precise statements Formulate clearly and precisely, preferably short and concise sentences with few subpoints and in simple language without jargon or slang.
Concrete input Concrete prompts can lead to satisfactory results. These can be refined afterwards if necessary.
Example: "Explain the term XY in a few sentences. Keep the explanation short and not too detailed."
Context Provide background information, such as topic, target audience, goal, or what style of writing the response should be.
Example: Write an article on the topic XY for Bachelor graduates in marketing. The aim of the article should be to provide an overview about
the topic. Write in a simple style with few technical terms and with short concise sentences."
Objective Be aware of the overall goal you would like to achieve before formulating a prompt so that you can provide clear and precise instructions.
Personlities If you would like to get new perspectives on a topic, formulate the prompt from the point of view of other people or personalities. This can lead to more goal-oriented responses.
Example: "You are an Marketing expert / mathematician / analyst of the company XY and graduate of the Havard Business School"...
Iterative approach / Follow-up Prompts Formulate your prompts rather simply and generally at the beginning. With further follow-up prompts (through experimentation), the prompt can be refined further and embedded in more context.
Example: First have any concept explained to you and gradually pick out further terms from the point of view of a certain target group.
New approaches and
If you use AI as brainstorming tool. a list of new and orginal iedeas and topics can be generated.
Example: "List new perspectives and approaches on the topic XY. Prioritize such ideas which are unusal or new."



blue learninggoals How can I use ChatGPT efficiently?

So far, Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT, have been critically evaluated. Some see - if used correctly - a great potential, while others have doubts about the credibility and advantage of ChatGPT. It is clear that ChatGPT can do more than just summarize texts and generate "scientific texts". Here are some examples of how ChatGPT can be used efficiently in teaching and learning:

Self-Paced learning formats Group learning formats
AI as writing partner AI as discussion partner and moderator
AI as learning partner Brainstorming tool
Transfer exercises  
Evaluation and improvemnt of texts  
Erstellen von Codes mit KI  


For more detailed information on how to use ChatGPT in different learning formats, please refer to the MCI handout on using ChatGPT.


Sal Khan, founder and CEO of Khan Academy, believes artificial intelligence could spark the biggest positive change in education ever. He talks about the opportunities he sees for learners and educators to collaborate with AI tools - including the potential of a personal AI tutor for every learner and an AI teaching assistant for every teacher - and demonstrates some exciting new features for their education chatbot, Khanmigo.

How AI could save (not destroy) education!

Chances and Risks of ChatGPT

The European Union also formulated a draft law on artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the EU Digital Strategy in June 2023. The draft contains proposals for regulating the use of AI in research and business and for digital security.

Thus, the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) has a direct and indirect impact on education and training in the European higher education area and requires the assurance of criteria and frameworks for the use of AI to generate positive, social benefits. The AIA is intended to provide a basis for value-based use of AI that meets the ethical demands of the European community. In principle, students may and should use ChatGPT! Henner Gimpel et al. (2023), who have developed a white paper on dealing with AI at universities, give the following recommendations for one's own use of ChatGPT:

  • Respect the law and examination regulations: Despite regional and national legislation, it is still the universities themselves that determine how ChatGPT is used. Here at MCI, the use of ChatGPT is not prohibited, but when using it, certain criteria should be met, which are regulated in the EXAMINATION REGULATIONS.

  • Reflect on own learning objectives: In addition to teaching professional skills, it is also important in higher education to promote structured and critical thinking. Especially with regard to dealing with ChatGPT and its skillful application, this should always be kept in mind.

  • Consider different ways of use/learning scenarios: ChatGPT can be used in a variety of ways. The AI can be used not only as a brainstorming tool or discussion partner in group learning formats, but also in self-learning formats as a writing or learning partner, as well as for evaluating texts. The correct generation of prompts (instructions for action) is important.

  • Consider risks when using ChatGPT: In addition to many benefits of ChatGPT, it is still important to be aware of the risks. This mainly concerns the accuracy of facts and source citations in the AI-generated texts, as well as the correct citation of information obtained by the AI.


For further information please refer to the recommendations of the Quick Start Recommendations of UNESCO IESALC (Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean)!


blue exerciseHow to document the use of ChatGPT?

As with physical textbooks, journal articles, and online sources, information and texts generated with ChatGPT should also be marked. In addition to notes in the continuous text, Flick (2023b) recommends keeping a prompt directory as well as an AI directory.
This can look as follows:

Marking of AI generated texts in the continous text
xxx... (generated with the help of an AI)
xxx... (based on AI output)

Prompt list:
ChatGPT (June 28, 2023): "Write a summary on topic XY", used on page 28 / used under chapter 5.2.


AI list

AI tool

Use case


Generating ideas for chapter 1

Support in the writing process in chapter 5. 2.


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